Acousto-optic Deflectors and Variable Frequency Shifters

Acousto optic deflectors are used to scan a laser beam over a range of angles, or to control with accuracy the output angle and power of the laser beam. AA’s devices achieve the highest performances available by using proprietary techniques and careful manufacturing processes, making them the devices of choice for researchers and instrument manufacturers around the world.


AA Opto-Electronic offers acousto-optic (AO) deflectors. An acousto-optic device is made up of a radio frequency (RF) driver which is connected to a suitable crystal via a piezo-electric transducer. The piezo-electric transducer converts the radio frequency electric signal from the driver to acoustic (sound) waves in the crystal. The acoustic waves act as a “phase grating” which travels through the crystal and can diffract incident laser beams.

Acousto-optic deflectors operate over a range of frequencies. Therefore, they can be used to deflect a beam over a range of angles or to accurately control the angle of the output beam. Hence these devices are well suited for applications where a laser beam is used to scan over a wide range of angles or where control of the direction the beam is important, for example, in laser scanners, fluorescence microscopy and optical tweezers.

AO deflectors as variable frequency shifters:

The Doppler effect shifts the frequency of the incident laser beam on a AO deflector. The shift of the diffracted beam equals the frequency of the acoustic wave due to energy conservation. Hence acousto-optical deflectors also act as variable frequency shifters .

The main parameters to qualify a deflector are:

1. Deflection angle range:

The deflection angle range is the maximum angle variation of the laser beam; this depends on the frequency range of the device.

2. Resolution:

The number of distinct directions which can be addressed by the deflector is know as the resolution. The resolution depends on the deflection angle range and laser divergence.

In addition, using two deflectors series and at right angles can give full two-dimensional scanning.

Deflector Models:

High Resolution DeflectorMaterialWavelength (nm) Aperture (mmxmm)Freq (Shift) MHzPolarisationResolution T.DFDeflection angle rangeEfficiency (%)Associated RF Driver
DTSX-400TeO2405-15507.5 x 7.5f(λ)Linear500 @ 633nm48 @ 633nm>70DDSPAxx
DTSXY-4002 Axis
405-15507.5 x 7.5f(λ)Linear500x500@633nm41 x 41@532nm >45DDSPAxx
DT230-B120A0.5-UVTeO2400-4500.5 x 17.5230+/-60Linear50011.4 @ 400nm>50DDSPAxx
DT230-B120A0.5-VISTeO2450-6700.5 x 17.5230+/-60Linear50015 @ 532nm>50DDSPAxx


Low Resolution DeflectorMaterialWavelength (nm) Aperture (mmxmm)Freq (Shift) MHzPolarisationResolution TΔFDeflection angle range (mrd)Diffraction
Efficiency (%)
Associated RF Driver
MQ200-B30A1.5-244.266.BrFused Silica244 - 2661.5 x 2200+/-15Linear51.3 @ 266nm>60DDSPAxx
MQ110-B30A1-UVFused Silica325 - 4251 x 2110+/-15Linear101.8@355nm >60DDSPAxx
MT200-B50A0.5-400.442TeO2400-4420.5 x 2200+/-25Linear/random235.4 @ 458nm>80DDSPAxx
MT200-B100A0.5-VISTeO2450-7000.5 x 2230+/-60Linear/random4712.6 @ 532nm>70@633nmDDSPAxx
MT110-B50A1-VISTeO2450-7001 x 2110+/-25Linear/random236.3 @ 532nm>65@633nmDDSPAxx
MT110-B50A1.5-VISTeO2450-7001.5 x 2110+/-25Linear/random236.3 @ 532nm>65@633nmDDSPAxx
MT80-B30A1-VISTeO2450-7001 x 280+/-15Linear/random143.8 @ 532nm>65DDSPAxx
MT80-B30A1.5-VISTeO2450-7001.5 x 280+/-15Linear/random143.8 @ 532nm>65DDSPAxx
MT200-B100A0.5-800TeO2750 - 9500.5 x 2200+/-50Linear/random4718.6 @ 785nm>60DDSPAxx
MT200-B40A1-800TeO2750 - 9501 x 2200+/-20Linear/random197.4 @ 800nm70 @ 785nmDDSPAxx
MT350-B120A0.12-800TeO2750 - 9500.2 x 1350+/-60Linear/random2822.8 @ 800nm>60DDSPAxx
MT250-B100A0.5-800TeO2750 - 9500.5 x 2250+/-50Linear/random4719 @ 800nm>60DDSPAxx
MT200-B100A0.5-800TeO2750 - 9500.5 x 2200+/-50Linear/random4719 @ 800nm>60 @ 785nmDDSPAxx
MT110-B50A1-IRTeO2700 - 11001 x 2110+/-25Linear/random239.5 @ 800nm>60 @ 785nmDDSPAxx
MT110-B50A1.5-IRTeO2700 - 11001.5 x 2110+/-25Linear/random239.5 @ 800nm>60 @ 785nmDDSPAxx
MT80-B30A1-IRTeO2700 - 11001 x 280+/-15Linear/random145.7 @ 800nm>70 @ 785nmDDSPAxx
MT80-B30A1.5-IRTeO2700 - 11001.5 x 280+/-15Linear/random145.7 @ 800nm>70 @ 785nmDDSPAxx
MT200-B100A0.5-1064TeO2980 - 11000.4 x 2200+/-50Linear/random4725.3 @ 1064nm>35DDSPAxx
MT200-B100A0.2-1064TeO2980 - 11000.2 x 1200+/-50Linear/random4725.3 @ 1064nm>60DDSPAxx
MT110-B50A1-1064TeO2980 - 11001 x 2110+/-25Linear/random2312.6 @ 1064nm>55DDSPAxx
MT80-B30A1-1064TeO2980 - 11001 x 280+/-15Linear/random147.6 @ 1064nm>60DDSPAxx
MT80-B30A1.5-1064TeO2980 - 11001.5 x 2 80+/-15Linear/random147.6 @ 1064nm>60DDSPAxx

The DTSX-400 data sheet is available here and for a DT230 data sheet, click here.

Acoustio-optic deflectors requires a suitable driver to operate. For a deflector driver data sheet, click here. Also, see the driver category below.

The latest copy of AA catalogue CATALOG-AA-OPTO-2019 is available here.



Applications (Deflectors and variable frequency shifter)

A depository of related published articles is available here.

View/ download theory and application notes on accousto-optics.

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